Ruské ministerstvo zahraničných vecí zatvára konzuláty Lotyšska, Litvy a Estónska v Petrohrade
Nemecko prestane do konca roka dovážať ropu z Ruska, povedala nemecká ministerka zahraničných vecí Annalena Baerbocková po stredajšom stretnutí so svojimi pobaltskými partnermi.
Fínsko posiela na Ukrajinu tretiu zásielku vojenskej pomoci. Nie sú poskytnuté žiadne podrobnosti o obsahu zásielky, ale odoslané vybavenie bolo koordinované s Ukrajinou, aby vyhovovalo ich potrebám
2 Rok PredMode S 007617 28514 C/S UAV active near StPetersburg
2 Rok PredA new batch of hardware arrived on the Eastern flank. M777 howitzers, LAV 6.0s, and other equipment were unloaded at the Port of Riga for transport to the NATO's enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) battlegroup in Latvia.
2 Rok PredThe Baltic Fleet Steregushchiy's Soobrazitelnyy and Stoikiy, and the tug Viktor Konetskiy, passed the Great Belt southbound today, returning to the Baltic. Photos: Kurt Pedersen / Facebook group: Under Broen
The Russian Foreign Ministry warns of "consequences" if Finland and Sweden join NATO
Bieloruská pohraničná stráž včera večer tvrdila, že zostrelila kvadrokoptéru na hranici s Litvou
Litovský minister obrany označil ruskú hrozbu za zvláštnu a zdôraznil, že medzinárodné spoločenstvo si je dobre vedomé toho, že ruské jadrové zbrane sa už nachádzajú v Kaliningradskej oblasti.
Zástupca tajomníka ruskej bezpečnostnej rady Medvedev pohrozil rozmiestnením jadrových zbraní v regióne Baltského mora v prípade, že Fínsko a Švédsko vstúpia do NATO
2 Rok PredGitanas Nausėda: Dnes navštívil Borodyanku. Tu ukázala svoju tvár temná stránka ľudstva. Brutálne vojnové zločiny spáchané ruskou armádou nezostanú nepotrestané. Vojnoví zločinci musia byť medzinárodne stíhaní. Zostaň silná, Ukrajina
Švédsko sa bude uchádzať o členstvo v NATO – SVD
2 Rok PredPrezident Estónska: Na ceste do Kyjeva, do mesta, ktoré od mojej poslednej návštevy strašne utrpelo ruskou vojnou. Spolu s prezidentmi @AndrzejDuda, @GitanasNauseda
2 Rok PredSteinmeier nevyzerá šťastne, keď dostal správu o zablokovaní cesty na Ukrajine: Tvrdí, že chcel vyslať „silný signál solidarity EÚ" spolu s prezidentmi Pobaltia
Finland will adopt a report about the national security environment at a government session tomorrow. That report does not contain policy proposals but is expected to start discussions in Finland's parliament about whether to pursue membership in NATO
Denmark's Health Agency, concerned by the war in Ukraine, will buy 2 million iodine tablets to protect people in the event of a nuclear accident close to the Nordic country, it said on Monday
2 Rok PredPredseda vlády Litvy: Dnes sa moja návšteva na Ukrajine začala v Borodyanke. Žiadne slová nedokázali opísať to, čo som tu videl a cítil
Russia stages war games in Kaliningrad enclave, Interfax says - Reuters News "Up to 1,000 military personnel. and more than 60 military equipment units were involved," Interfax news quoted the Russian Baltic Fleet Command's press service as saying
Ministry of Defense of Finland: The Department of Defense website is currently undergoing a denial-of-service attack. We are currently investigating.
A Russian state aircraft is suspected of violating Finnish airspace this morning. The Border Guard is investigating the matter
Prospect of Finland and Sweden joining @NATO was discussed this week in Brussels, confirms a senior @StateDept official
2 Rok PredForeign Minister @Haavisto confirms: NATO is ready to accept Finland's application According to Foreign Minister, NATO member states have submitted offers of security during the processing of the application for membership
Finland making preparations to apply for NATO membership - Iltalehti
PM of Estonia: My government confirmed today: we'll get free from Russian gas. This will be before the end of the year. We plan to: build an LNG reception capacity in Paldiski; increase reserves from alternative sources; cooperate with neighbours, to accept FSRU
Finland Minister of Economic Affairs: "We acquired a joint floating LNG carrier with Estonia. This was agreed between Finland and Estonia yesterday. In this way, we will secure the gas needs of industry if gas imports from Russia are cut off”
Finland adds $2.2 billion defense spending in shadow of war
Estonia will expel 14 of Russia's consular staff and close consular offices in Narva and Tartu, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Tuesday
Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: we are closing two Russian consulates and expelling their staff
2 Rok PredSweden has decided to expel three Russian diplomats who did not work in accordance with the Vienna Convention, says Foreign Minister Ann Linde
Lithuanian ambassador to Ukraine to return to Kyiv - Lithuanian foreign minister