13 Október 2024
Poland deports those suspected of attacking a Russian dissident to Lithuania
5 Mesiac Pred
FinnAir: We're suspending our flights to Tartu from 29 April until May 31. The approach methods currently used at Tartu Airport are based on a GPS signal and GPS interference in the area affects the usability of this method
FT: Baltic ministers have warned that GPS jamming blamed on Russia risks causing an air disaster after the interference with navigation signals forced two Finnish flights to turn around mid-journey
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Bieloruské špeciálne služby zabránili útokom dronov z litovského územia na ciele v Minsku, hovorí šéf republikovej KGB Ivan Tertel
So far, over 46,000 flights have encountered jamming of GPS signals in the Baltic region, including 2,309 Ryanair flights, 1,368 Wizz Air flights, and 82 British Airways flights5 Mesiac Pred
So far, over 46,000 flights have encountered jamming of GPS signals in the Baltic region, including 2,309 Ryanair flights, 1,368 Wizz Air flights, and 82 British Airways flights
Predseda Európskej komisie obviňuje Moskvu z využívania migrantov ako „nástroja" proti Fínsku
5 Mesiac Pred
Ruský FM Lavrov: Nemá zmysel, aby Rusko útočilo na NATO
Ukrajinský prezident oznámil podpísanie 10-ročnej bezpečnostnej dohody s Lotyšskom
Prezident Zelenskyj pricestoval do Litvy, aby sa zúčastnil na summite iniciatívy troch morí
Finland has offered to host a new NATO command post in Mikkeli. nnPresident @alexstubb says it's obvious when the alliance has doubled its land border with Russia with Finland's accession that this would be helpful
6 Mesiac Pred
Prezident Zelenskyj sa stretol s novým litovským ministrom obrany
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Ministerstvo informácií Bieloruska v reakcii na zablokovanie bieloruských médií obmedzilo prístup k viacerým médiám v Lotyšsku, Litve a Estónsku.
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Finland Police: Shooting at a school in the city of Vantaa, in the south of the country
Lukashenka visits Belarusian troops near the Suwalki corridor and quizzes the commander about how he will fight the Baltic states and conquer a part of Poland to link up Belarus and Kaliningrad6 Mesiac Pred
Lukashenka visits Belarusian troops near the Suwalki corridor and quizzes the commander about how he will fight the Baltic states and conquer a part of Poland to link up Belarus and Kaliningrad
Kosovo DefMin: Kosovo upgraded to NATO PA associate member
Na stretnutí v Talline v dňoch 23. – 24. marca Stály výbor Parlamentného zhromaždenia NATO rozhodol udeliť delegácii Ukrajiny pri Palestínskej samospráve štatút kandidáta na členstvo v NATO.
Príbuzný člena posádky trawleru Kapitan Lobanov potvrdil, že plavidlo bolo omylom zasiahnuté raketou počas cvičenia Baltskej flotily. Traja boli zabití a 4 boli zranení (sú v nemocnici v Pionersku). Oficiálne došlo k požiaru na palube6 Mesiac Pred
Príbuzný člena posádky trawleru "Kapitan Lobanov" potvrdil, že plavidlo bolo omylom zasiahnuté raketou počas cvičenia Baltskej flotily. Traja boli zabití a 4 boli zranení (sú v nemocnici v Pionersku). Oficiálne došlo k požiaru na palube
6 Mesiac Pred
Germany: Islamic State Khurasan supporters arrested for plotting an attack against Swedish interests - were in communication with ISKP members
Trawler kapitán Lobanov sa potopil v Baltskom mori. Predtým kvôli výbuchu na palube. 1 osoba zabitá, 4 zranení6 Mesiac Pred
Trawler kapitán Lobanov sa potopil v Baltskom mori. Predtým kvôli výbuchu na palube. 1 osoba zabitá, 4 zranení
Latvian Foreign Minister ⁦@krisjaniskarins⁩ says the EU should work to position itself as the “honest broker” in the Middle East but it hasnt done so yet. He says that starts with insisting on a 2-state solution. Forging a unified EU position is on the FAC agenda today
7 Mesiac Pred
Bieloruská vláda zavádza zákaz dovozu tovaru cez bielorusko-litovskú hranicu. Zakázaný dovoz na predaj a spotrebu: pivo, víno, voda, hroznový mušt, vermút, iné kvasené nápoje, etylalkohol, ocot, pneumatiky a pneumatiky, odevy a iné použité výrobky, ako aj použité náhradné diely a príslušenstvo pre vozidlá, hovorí dekrét predsedu vlády
7 Mesiac Pred
Ruská Baltská flotila začala cvičenie s vrtuľníkmi a protilodnými raketovými komplexmi Bastion
Drones sighted in south Sweden. Between 22 and 03 last night night large drones were reported over Malmö airport, inactive nuclear power plant Barsebäck, strategic port Ystad and hamlet Svedala. Police is investigating in cooperation with armed forces7 Mesiac Pred
Drones sighted in south Sweden. Between 22 and 03 last night night large drones were reported over Malmö airport, inactive nuclear power plant Barsebäck, strategic port Ystad and hamlet Svedala. Police is investigating in cooperation with armed forces
Švédsko sa stáva 32. členom NATO
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Two B1B bombers have been deployed to an air base in northern Sweden, where they will cooperate not only with the Swedish armed forces, but with all allies in the region
7 Mesiac Pred
Two dead after a fire in Nässjö, according to the police; Homicide investigation started
7 Mesiac Pred
Maďarsko ratifikovalo ponuku Švédska v NATO
Putin podpísal dekrét o reorganizácii vojenských obvodov, okupované časti Ukrajiny budú zahrnuté do Južného vojenského okruhu a Západný vojenský okruh sa rozdelí na Leningradský a Moskovský vojenský okruh.7 Mesiac Pred
Putin podpísal dekrét o reorganizácii vojenských obvodov, okupované časti Ukrajiny budú zahrnuté do Južného vojenského okruhu a Západný vojenský okruh sa rozdelí na Leningradský a Moskovský vojenský okruh.
We don't agree on everything, Swedish PM Kristersson says, standing next to his Hungarian counterpart, but he says Sweden and Hungary have agreed on deepening cooperation as they will soon be allies. Stockholm expects parliamentary/govt approval Monday for NATO accession7 Mesiac Pred
"We don't agree on everything," Swedish PM Kristersson says, standing next to his Hungarian counterpart, but he says Sweden and Hungary have agreed on deepening cooperation as they will "soon be allies." Stockholm expects parliamentary/govt approval Monday for NATO accession
2 Mirage 2000-5 took off from Šiauliai Air Base under NATO orders to conduct a visual identification of a Il-78 that was flying over international waters off the coast