22 Veljača 2025
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Njemačka i Finska 'duboko zabrinute' zbog prekinutog podmorskog telekomunikacijskog kabela: zajednička izjava
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Nakon izvješća finskih medija da je neobjašnjivi kvar na podvodnom telekomunikacijskom kabelu poremetio komunikacijske usluge između Finske i Njemačke, Telia kaže da je oštećen i komunikacijski kabel između Litve i Švedske
Finnish state company Cinia has held a presser on issue with the CLion1 Helsinki to Rostock cable. Hypothesis is that it is completely cut close to Öland, and that this is the result of external forces (though no particular indication of sabotage)3 mjesec pre
Finnish state company Cinia has held a presser on issue with the CLion1 Helsinki to Rostock cable. Hypothesis is that it is completely cut close to Öland, and that this is the result of external forces (though no particular indication of sabotage)
Nova visoka predstavnica EU za vanjsku politiku Kallas kaže na svom saslušanju u EP da postoje dva hitna prioriteta vanjske politike EU: rat Rusije protiv Ukrajine i Bliski istok
Russia is behind explosive parcels sent from Lithuania to European countries, a Lithuanian presidential adviser said on Tuesday, amid alarm amongst NATO countries that sabotage organised by Moscow nearly caused an air disaster. Western governments and intelligence agencies in Europe have previously pointed to Moscow as being the source of a series of fires and acts of sabotage in Europe aimed at destabilising allies of Ukraine
Swedish police said that they were investigating a shooting near an Israeli target in the city of Gothenburg, which the national broadcaster said was a unit of Israeli defence contractor Elbit Systems. There were no reports of injuries and a young suspect was apprehended at the scene. He is suspected with an attempted murder and serious weapons crime
Lithuania has fortified another bridge over the Nemunas River on the route from the Kaliningrad. Fortifications are progressing as planned, with some bridges set to be demolished. Fortifications will be supported by firepower, in case it’s needed, to stop and destroy the enemy4 mjesec pre
Lithuania has fortified another bridge over the Nemunas River on the route from the Kaliningrad. Fortifications are progressing as planned, with some bridges set to be demolished. Fortifications will be supported by firepower, in case it’s needed, to stop and destroy the enemy
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Article 5 of the NATO Treaty will not help those small countries of the alliance that threaten Russia, said Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Council Medvedev
The West is trying to make transit to the Kaliningrad region from other regions of Russia as difficult as possible in order to isolate the enclave, says Putin aide Nikolai Patrushev
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Finnish Defense Minister: NATO to create new land command in eastern Finland
Harris: Dopustimo li agresorima da nekažnjeno zauzmu teritorij, Putin bi se mogao usmjeriti na Poljsku i Baltik
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Radioaktivnost nepoznatog porijekla izmjerena u razdoblju od 9. do 12. rujna u pograničnom području. Razine su vrlo niske i ne predstavljaju opasnost za ljude ili okoliš. Radioaktivnost je izmjerena u filtrima u Viksjøfjellu i Svanhovdu u drugom tjednu rujna
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Sweden and Finland have agreed that Sweden will be the frame work nation for the NATO Forward Land Forces construct in northern Finland. In practice: HQ staff will be permanent, forces will flow in if needed. Makes sense from a military and security policy perspectives
The "Article Law on the Turning Point" and the additional agreement with Lithuania are "extremely important steps" on the path of the Lithuania Brigade, said Defense Minister Boris Pistorius. It allows soldiers to serve more flexibly and improves the framework conditions. @BMVg_Bundeswehr
U Ukrajinu su došli predsjednik Litve Gitanas Nauseda, premijerka Latvije Evika Silinia i predsjednik Senata Češke Republike Miloš Vystrchyl. Danas će se u Kijevu održati samit Krimske platforme.5 mjesec pre
U Ukrajinu su došli predsjednik Litve Gitanas Nauseda, premijerka Latvije Evika Silinia i predsjednik Senata Češke Republike Miloš Vystrchyl. Danas će se u Kijevu održati samit Krimske platforme.
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Ruski dron srušio se u istočnoj Latviji u subotu, 7. rujna, javlja novinska agencija LETA pozivajući se na latvijsko Ministarstvo obrane. Dron koji se srušio na latvijski teritorij bio je napunjen eksplozivom
Ministar vanjskih poslova Litve: Incidenti koji su bili nezamislivi prije 3 godine sada se tretiraju kao rutina. Ništa ne bi trebalo sletjeti na Ukrajinu, Latviju ili bilo gdje na teritoriju NATO-a, ali ovo je nova stvarnost koju je naše nedjelovanje dopustilo da se pojavi. Litva će naravno podržati snažan saveznički odgovor
Premijer Republike Estonije: Nedavni ruski upad dronova u zračni prostor NATO-a u Latviji neprihvatljivo je kršenje međunarodnog prava. Takvi postupci prijete regionalnoj stabilnosti i ne mogu se tolerirati. Ostajemo ujedinjeni i odlučni u obrani suvereniteta naših saveznika
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Predsjednik Latvije: Ruska vojna bespilotna letjelica jučer se srušila u istočnom dijelu Latvije. Istraga je u tijeku. U bliskom smo kontaktu s našim saveznicima. Broj takvih incidenata raste duž istočnog krila NATO-a i moramo ih zajednički rješavati
Najmanje 8 dronova, 7 dronova Shahed i 1 izviđački dron Supercam, ušlo je u zračni prostor Bjelorusije tijekom noći. 1 bespilotna letjelica stigla je do grada Navahrudak u regiji Hrodna
Ministar vanjskih poslova Estonije: Neuspjeh mongolske vlade da izvrši obvezujući nalog za uhićenje ICC-a za Putina ozbiljno potkopava Međunarodni kazneni sud i međunarodni sustav kaznenog pravosuđa. Ratni zločinci moraju odgovarati
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Russia records increase in Helsinki military activity after Finland joins NATO – Russian Foreign Ministry
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Rusko ministarstvo vanjskih poslova: Upozoravamo na sve veću upletenost Latvije u oružani sukob u Ukrajini
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Litvanski ministar obrane rekao je ukrajinskom predsjedniku da Rusija premješta trupe iz Kalinjingrada u Kursk
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Ulaz litvanske ambasade u Rusiji poliven je crvenom bojom.
Full customs control of persons and goods going to Russia through Narva, Luhama and Koidula border checkpoints has been introduced in Estonia from today
Latvia, Lithuania cooperate in stopping illegal border crossers6 mjesec pre
Latvia, Lithuania cooperate in stopping illegal border crossers
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Several detained after the shootings around Stockholm ; The police are investigating the connection
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The Moscow-Kaliningrad train 3 hours late due to a power outage at the Kena border station of the Lithuanian Railway, the Kaliningrad Railway reported.
Američki ministar obrane: NATO je ojačao svoje komunikacije i podigao razinu potrošnje i spremnosti