11 Ožujak 2025
Water supply of strategic Baltic island Gotland was sabotaged last night. Someone broke into the pump controls and destroyed them. The pumps serve a large part of Gotland (pop 61k) and had it gone unnoticed could have left all island without water. Water is ok
Švedske vlasti istražuju izvješća o puknuću podvodnog kabela u Baltičkom moru
U Baltičkom moru kod Gotlanda došlo je do novog pucanja kabela, javlja švedska TV4. Švedske obrambene snage potvrdile su da su primile informaciju o ovom pitanju. NATO brodovi istražuju krivca
3 tjedno pre
Suočena s rastućom prijetnjom koju predstavlja Rusija, Danska će u srijedu predstaviti plan za svoju vojsku, najavila je u utorak premijerka Mette Frederiksen.
3 tjedno pre
Bombarderi B-52H američkih zračnih snaga stigli su u Europu kao dio rutinskog raspoređivanja, prema američkim zračnim snagama. Bombarderi će sudjelovati u nizu vježbi i trenažnih letova zajedno sa savezničkim zračnim snagama. Tijekom tranzita u Europu, zrakoplov je obavio rutinsku misiju s #Francuskom, #Švedskom i #Finskom.
SecDef @PeteHegseth - "@NATO je sjajan savez, najuspješniji obrambeni savez u povijesti, ali da bi izdržali u budućnosti, naši partneri moraju učiniti puno više za obranu Europe." Kaže da bi Europa trebala učiniti više za obranu kontinenta
Ministar obrane Litve @DSakaliene jutros je u Bruxellesu nazvao "iluziju" da će Trump i Putin pronaći rješenje za rat u Ukrajini "smrtonosnom zamkom". "Odlučimo li pasti u iluziju da će g. Trump i g. Putin pronaći rješenje za sve nas, a to bi bila smrtonosna zamka, ili ćemo kao Europa prigrliti vlastite ekonomske, financijske i vojne kapacitete. I mi ćemo biti ti koji će odlučivati što će se dogoditi u Europi i Ukrajini sa Sjedinjenim Državama. Ne budimo naivni. Sjedinjene Države nisu samo najznačajniji doprinositelj NATO saveza, već i onaj koji je, želim ponoviti, plaćao za našu sigurnost i to treba ispraviti."
"Usvojen je plan za povećanje NATO-ovih sposobnosti brzog odgovora" - Kosiniak-Kamysz u Bruxellesu
Šef NATO-a Rutte kaže da nema druge opcije nego povećati potrošnju za obranu prema BDP-u na "sjeverno od 3%" jer nema izbora. Inače, upozorava, za četiri-pet godina NATO jednostavno neće moći braniti svoj teritorij
4 tjedno pre
On February 11, 2025 at 2:09 p.m. in the eastern part of the Bay of Gdansk, there was a violation of airspace over the territorial waters of the Republic of Poland by a Su-24MR aircraft of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The aircraft, which flew from the Kaliningrad, violated Polish airspace to a maximum depth of 6.5 km and stayed there for 1 minute and 12 seconds.
4 tjedno pre
Finsko ministarstvo vanjskih poslova pozvalo ruskog veleposlanika u vezi s ruskim zrakoplovom koji je povrijedio zračne granice u Finskom zaljevu
Predsjednica @EU_Commission Ursula von der Leyen: Danas povezujemo baltičke države s kontinentalnom europskom električnom mrežom. Prekidamo posljednje preostale veze s Rusijom. Napokon sloboda od prijetnji i ucjena. Ovo je povijesni dan
Tanker s loživim uljem tone u luci Ust-Luga u Lenjingradskoj oblasti - regionalni transportni odjel istražnog odbora. Na brodu je 130 tisuća tona goriva. Nema štete na brodu koji tone u Lenjingradskoj oblasti, nema žrtava
Lithuania: Baltic states complete disconnection from Russian energy grid
1 mjesec pre
Finland's defense ministry says a Russian plane violated Finnish airspace "for a few minutes."
1 mjesec pre
Russia is concerned about NATO's plans to turn the Baltic into an internal sea of the Alliance. In this regard, Putin discusses the development of the Kaliningrad region with the Security Council
1 mjesec pre
NATO is trying to blockade Russia in the Baltic Sea and paralyze the work of ports in the Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions, said Russian presidential aide and Chairman of the Russian Maritime Collegium Nikolai Patrushev.
1 mjesec pre
Police: At least 10 people killed in school shooting, including suspect. Number of injured not yet clear. Motive unknown but no indication of terrorism.
At least 5 people shot at school in Örebro, Sweden - police
1 mjesec pre
Norway police stop ship with Russian crew in connection with Latvia-Sweden cable damage
1 mjesec pre
A ship has been seized after the cable break between Gotland and Latvia. The Coast Guard is on site at a Malta-registered ship outside Karlskrona
1 mjesec pre
Swedish PM: There is information suggesting that at least one data cable between Sweden and Latvia has been damaged in the Baltic Sea. The cable is owned by a Latvian entity. I have been in close contact with my Latvian counterpart, Prime Minister Evika Siliņa, during the day. Sweden, Latvia and NATO are closely cooperating on the matter. Sweden will contribute with relevant capabilities to the effort to investigate the suspected incident.
1 mjesec pre
Swedish prosecutors requested the detention of a Swedish man on suspicion of terrorism crimes over the ISIS killing of a Jordanian Air Force pilot, Mouath al-Kasaesbeh, in Syria a decade ago, they said on Monday
1 mjesec pre
Hundreds of Swedish forces arrive in Latvia in largest deployment with NATO to date
Lithuania will lift defence spending to between 5% & 6% of GDP from 2026 up from just over 3% now
Ministar oružanih snaga: U noći sa srijede na četvrtak, francuski pomorski patrolni zrakoplov Atlantique 2 bio je meta ruskih mjera zastrašivanja. Patrolirao je međunarodnim zračnim prostorom iznad Baltičkog mora, u sklopu NATO operacije, a bio je osvijetljen radarom za upravljanje paljbom obrambenog sustava zemlja-zrak S400. Ovakva agresivna ruska akcija nije prihvatljiva. Naše oružane snage nastavit će djelovati u obrani slobode plovidbe u međunarodnim zračnim i pomorskim prostorima.
Estonia and the other Baltic States believe Russia is likely trying to test/punish them for their decision to completely decouple from the Russian energy grid in February. Estonian PM @KristenMichalPM  says nothing can deter this. Russia is not a reliable partner, he says1 mjesec pre
Estonia and the other Baltic States believe Russia is likely trying to test/punish them for their decision to completely decouple from the Russian energy grid in February. Estonian PM @KristenMichalPM says nothing can deter this. "Russia is not a reliable partner," he says
Finnish Pres @alexstubb says no malign actor wanna-be should have any doubt: Finns will act. The seizure of the Eagle S shadow-fleet tanker will now be a benchmark we should follow, says Estonian PM @KristenMichalPM following talks of Baltic Sea leaders1 mjesec pre
Finnish Pres @alexstubb says no malign actor wanna-be should have any doubt: "Finns will act." The seizure of the Eagle S shadow-fleet tanker will now "be a benchmark we should follow", says Estonian PM @KristenMichalPM following talks of Baltic Sea leaders
1 mjesec pre
Rutte says stepped-up action in the Baltic Sea "cannot wait for some summit" (like that in his home country in June). He says NATO will get "Baltic Sentry" up and running in the next couple of months
1 mjesec pre
Rutte says the "alliance will not accept" these kind of hybrid attacks any more. "We will fight back," he emphasizes. "When it comes to kinetic warfare we are safe," he says, "but my biggest fear is that in 4 or 5 years we are not."