19 Siječanj 2025
1 godine pre
Latvijski premijer: Spremni smo vojno odbiti svaki napad usmjeren na baltičke države
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Norway says to buy 54 new generation Leopard 2 tanks, to replace older versions
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General-pukovnik Sergej Kuzovljev postao je novi zapovjednik ruskog Južnog vojnog okruga, a general-pukovnik Evgenij Nikiforov postao je novi zapovjednik Zapadnog vojnog okruga
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Latvija protjeruje ruskog veleposlanika
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Ruska Baltička flota provodi vježbe borbene gotovosti
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Rusija protjeruje estonskog veleposlanika. "Smanjivanje diplomatskih odnosa"
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Izjava francuskih i njemačkih ministara obrane: "Razviti kapacitet obiju vojski za zajedničko raspoređivanje, projektirati dva francusko-njemačka bojna iz francusko-njemačke brigade za vježbe u Rumunjskoj
2 godine pre
Predsjednik Zelenski: Iskreno zahvalan Vladi Švedske i @SwedishPM za novi paket vojne pomoći Ukrajini. CV90 IFV, samohodne haubice Archer i NLAW ATGM moćno su oružje koje ukrajinska vojska treba da oslobodi našu zemlju od ruskog osvajača. Zajedno do zajedničke pobjede
2 godine pre
Eksplozija pogodila plinovod između Litve i Latvije - obližnje selo bit će evakuirano
Lithuania: Report of Gas pipeline blast in northern Lithuania, 250 people told to evacuate  -The affected pipeline supplies gas to northern part of Lithuania and delivers gas to Latvia.  -The incident may cause disruptions of gas supply to Latvia as well as northern Lithuania2 godine pre
Lithuania: Report of Gas pipeline blast in northern Lithuania, 250 people told to evacuate -The affected pipeline supplies gas to northern part of Lithuania and delivers gas to Latvia. -The incident may cause disruptions of gas supply to Latvia as well as northern Lithuania
Predsjednici Litve i Poljske dolaze u neočekivani posjet Lavovu2 godine pre
Predsjednici Litve i Poljske dolaze u neočekivani posjet Lavovu
@RFERL Belarus opened office in Vilnius
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Sweden can't meet Turkey's demands for NATO bid: PM
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Rusija protjerala zaposlenika veleposlanstva Litve u Moskvi
Ministry of Defense of Latvia: On Sunday, December 25, shots were fired in the direction of Latvian peacekeepers while conducting a domestic patrol in Kosovo. There are no victims in the incident. Kosovo Police and @NATO_KFOR Military Police have opened an investigation2 godine pre
Ministry of Defense of Latvia: On Sunday, December 25, shots were fired in the direction of Latvian peacekeepers while conducting a domestic patrol in Kosovo. There are no victims in the incident. Kosovo Police and @NATO_KFOR Military Police have opened an investigation
2 godine pre
Latvija je poništila dozvolu za emitiranje kanalu Dozhd TV iz Rusije nakon što je voditelj sugerirao da kanal potiče donacije zaliha za ruske trupe
2 godine pre
Scholz: The Nordstream incident underscores the need for a comprehensive reassessment of infrastructure security
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German Chancellor: We hope Finland and Sweden will formally join NATO by the next NATO meeting
State Department announces new sale of fighter jet missiles to Finland: 40 AIM 9X Block IIs, 4 AIM 9X Block II tactical guidance units; and 48 AGM-154 Joint Stand Off Weapons, (JSOW)
NATO Secretary General: It's time for Finland and Sweden to join the alliance
2 godine pre
President @AndrzejDuda in Kaunas: I believe that the guiding principle setting out the directions and goals of the EU for the coming years should be a rational redefinition not only of the Union itself, but also of the needs, opportunities and difficulties that we will soon face
NATO Sec Gen @jensstoltenberg addresses NATO PA: The time has come to finalize the accesion process of Finland and Sweden, they delivered all commitments
Helsinki: Finski premijer @MarinSanna kaže da akcije Rusije u Ukrajini neće proći nekažnjeno Poljski premijer @MorawieckiM -moramo udariti Rusiju jače nego što bi mogla očekivati Također ukazuje na proširenje NATO-a mi ćemo - kao format V4 - tražiti Viktor Orban za brzu ratifikaciju2 godine pre
Helsinki: Finski premijer @MarinSanna kaže da akcije Rusije u Ukrajini "neće proći nekažnjeno" Poljski premijer @MorawieckiM -"moramo udariti Rusiju jače nego što bi mogla očekivati" Također ukazuje na proširenje NATO-a "mi ćemo - kao format V4 - tražiti Viktor Orban za brzu ratifikaciju"
2 godine pre
KGB Bjelorusije vidi prijetnju intervencije s područja baltičkih država, Poljske i Ukrajine
China warns Taiwan that "colluding with external forces to pursue independence" will be met with resolute opposition, after the island announced on investing 10 mln euros for chip production in Lithuania
Taiwan Foreign Ministry: Friends from Lithuania and Ukraine enjoyed the banquet hosted by Minister Wu. We appreciate all the like-minded parliamentarians, academics & NGO workers who gathered in Taiwan as a powerful symbol of solidarity among frontline democracies2 godine pre
Taiwan Foreign Ministry: Friends from Lithuania and Ukraine enjoyed the banquet hosted by Minister Wu. We appreciate all the like-minded parliamentarians, academics & NGO workers who gathered in Taiwan as a powerful symbol of solidarity among frontline democracies
Četiri neobjašnjive podvodne eksplozije u Finskom zaljevu u ruskim teritorijalnim vodama prošlog četvrtka (20. listopada), koje je otkrio Institut za seizmologiju Sveučilišta u Helsinkiju. Magnitude: 2.0,1.5,1.5,1.42 godine pre
Četiri neobjašnjive podvodne eksplozije u Finskom zaljevu u ruskim teritorijalnim vodama prošlog četvrtka (20. listopada), koje je otkrio Institut za seizmologiju Sveučilišta u Helsinkiju. Magnitude: 2.0,1.5,1.5,1.4
Prime Minister @MorawieckiM in Łask: You cannot build a strong army without a state with strong financial foundations. To build a strong army you need money, money and more money, and its modernization requires cooperation with allies
2 godine pre
The Italian Air Force: Two sorties were carried out during the past two days to intercept Russian planes flying near the Nato borders in Poland
Stoltenberg: The accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO will strengthen our northern front in the Baltic Sea