23 Veljača 2025
Ruska avijacija Baltičke flote lansirala je vježbu s više od 10 borbenih aviona Su-27
Germany intends to deploy an additional 4,000 troops in Lithuania on a long-term basis
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Shoigu: the formation of reserve armies of the Russian Armed Forces will be completed by the end of June
This evening, RAF Typhoons from 140 EAW in Estonia were scrambled to intercept a Russian Navy Tu-134 and 2x Su-27 ‘FLANKER’ Bs flying close to @NATO airspace. The Russian aircraft failed to comply with international norms by not liaising with regional airspace control agencies1 godine pre
This evening, RAF Typhoons from 140 EAW in Estonia were scrambled to intercept a Russian Navy Tu-134 and 2x Su-27 ‘FLANKER’ Bs flying close to @NATO airspace. The Russian aircraft failed to comply with international norms by not liaising with regional airspace control agencies
Turkish Defence Minister Yasar Güler meets his Estonian counterpart Hanno Pevkur at NATO headquarters in Brussels, discussing regional defence and security
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Sweden will allow NATO to base troops on its soil even before it formally joins the alliance: "The preparations may consist of temporary basing of foreign equipment and personnel on Swedish territory. The decision sends a clear signal to Russia & strengthens Sweden's defence"
AirDefender 23 is starting today. It is the largest deployment exercise of air forces in NATO's history and demonstrates transatlantic solidarity
Zabilježene su eksplozije na željeznici u Kalinjingradu
Ukrajina ima legitimno pravo braniti se i "projicirati silu izvan svojih granica kako bi potkopala sposobnost Rusije da projicira silu u Ukrajinu", - britanski ministar vanjskih poslova @JamesCleverly u Estoniji
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation: from July 1, the offices of the St. Petersburg Consulate General of Finland in Murmansk and Petrozavodsk are closed - the corresponding note was handed over to the Finnish ambassador to Russia.
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Rusija proglasila pet zaposlenika švedskog veleposlanstva personama non grata - rusko Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova
Ministar obrane Ukrajine: Ukrajina se službeno pridružila NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence (CCDCOE). Ovo je još jedan korak prema zajedničkom sigurnosnom prostoru u Europi, što je nemoguće bez članstva Ukrajine u Savezu
US Treasury Secretary: China uses economic coercion in countries it is not satisfied with, such as Australia and Lithuania
Šef Ureda za nacionalnu sigurnost Poljske: Dragi korisnici, uvjerio sam se i 100% ste u pravu. Od jučer je službeni jezik OOBWÓD KRÓLEWIECKI. "za administrativnu jedinicu u kojoj se nalazi ovaj grad preporučuje se poljski naziv Oblast Krolewiec i ne preporučuje se koristiti naziv Kalinjingradska oblast na poljskom jeziku. Komisija je objavila da promjena stupa na snagu na dan objave , odnosno 9. svibnja 2023. godine."
Right now, production is down for the nuclear power reactors Forsmark 1 and 2. According to press manager Josef Nylén, it is the disturbance in Svenska Kraftnät that forced the reactors to shut down
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Viceadmiral Vladimir Vorobjov imenovan je zapovjednikom Baltičke flote Ruske mornarice
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Rusko ministarstvo vanjskih poslova: NATO nastoji Baltik pretvoriti u područje vojnog natjecanja
Ministar vanjskih poslova Estonije: Ne isključujemo kupnju lovaca F-16 i njihovu isporuku Ukrajini
Turkish Foreign Minister Cavasoglu hands @SecBlinken Turkey's ratification documents for Finland to join NATO. nnFinland is now in the alliance
In Lithuania, Russians were banned from buying real estate
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Kremlj: Pristupanje Finske NATO-u prisilit će Rusiju da poduzme protumjere kako bi osigurala svoju sigurnost
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Ruska avijacija će izvesti zračnu vježbu s bombardiranjem i ispaljivanjem projektila na istok Kalinjingradske oblasti
Finland will officially join NATO tomorrow. The President will travel to Brussels and attend the accession ceremony at Nato HQ. Finland has a land border with Russia of around 800 miles long. It will be the 31st member and the 7th NATO state with a Baltic Sea coast
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The bill on the approval of Finland's NATO accession protocol was accepted at the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly
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Hungarian parliament approves Finland's Nato membership
2 francuska Rafala raspoređena u Litvi kao dio eAP @NATO misije nadzora zračnog prostora poletjela su dva dana zaredom u pripravnosti kako bi identificirala i pratila zrakoplove koji su letjeli u blizini baltičkog zračnog prostora1 godine pre
2 francuska Rafala raspoređena u Litvi kao dio eAP @NATO misije nadzora zračnog prostora poletjela su dva dana zaredom u pripravnosti kako bi identificirala i pratila zrakoplove koji su letjeli u blizini baltičkog zračnog prostora
Mariusz Błaszczak: Polish F-16 fighters once again provide escort to American B-52 strategic bombers. It is a show of readiness for interoperability and cooperation of the Polish Air Force1 godine pre
Mariusz Błaszczak: Polish F-16 fighters once again provide escort to American B-52 strategic bombers. It is a show of readiness for interoperability and cooperation of the Polish Air Force
Ministri vanjskih poslova EU-a trebali bi sutra moći potpisati plan za streljivo za Ukrajinu - s ciljem osiguravanja 1 milijun topničkih metaka za Kijev tijekom sljedećih 12 mjeseci. Impresivan diplomatski rad Estonije koji je pokrenuo ovu datoteku
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British Air Force: British and German fighters intercepted for the second time in a week a Russian fighter off Estonia
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Finnish President Niinistö on Turkey's approval for NATO membership: This is very important news for all Finns. We thank you very much