21 Люты 2025
Радыё Свабода адкрывае офісы ў Вільні і Рызе, бо вайна мяняе СМІ ў Эўропе
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A 20-year-old man has been arrested, suspected of aggravated arson, after the fire in two homes at the southern hospital area in Ängelholm, the police state
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The Lithuanian government is considering lowering excise duty on fuel in a bid to bring down soaring gasoline and diesel prices, Deputy Finance Minister Gediminas Norkūnas said
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Міністр абароны Літвы Арвідас Анушаўскас заявіў, што Расея правярае чырвоныя лініі NATO ў вайне супраць Украіны.
Прэм&39;ер-міністры Люблінскага трохкутніка сустрэліся ў Варшаве (Шмыгаль на відэа)2 рок таму
Прэм'ер-міністры Люблінскага трохкутніка сустрэліся ў Варшаве (Шмыгаль на відэа)
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President of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda:A historic night at Versailles. After five hours of heated discussions EU leaders said yes to Ukrainian eurointegration. The process started. Now it is up to us and Ukrainians to accomplish it fast. Heroic Ukrainian nation deserves to know that they are welcome in EU
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Latvian Prime Minister: We must strengthen the military capabilities of the European Union
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"We have a responsibility to ensure the conflict does not escalate and spread beyond Ukraine," NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said today from Latvia. "That would be even more dangerous, destructive, and even more deadly. The situation could spiral out of control
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British F-35 jets have landed at Ämari Air Base in Estonia Estonia as they prepare to undertake air patrols over Eastern Europe to deter Russia from taking any aggressive actions against NATO members
Blinken says NATO looking at more permanent deployments in the Baltics. "We're continuously reviewing within NATO our defense posture, including questions of extending the deployment of forces, looking at questions of more permanent deployments," he told reporters from Lithuania
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Lithuania's Foreign Minister: All countries in the region are looking for security guarantees to protect their borders
Blinken will meet @EmmanuelMacron in Paris on Tuesday evening, @StateDeptSpox says. But first @SecBlinken will stop in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia
A busy morning for the people at Estonia Ämari Air Base in Estonia, with three recent departures and two suspected upcoming arrivals, including a VIP United States Air Force VC-32A and a Motor Sich An-12 (likely carrying weaponry for flag-Ukraine)2 рок таму
A busy morning for the people at Estonia Ämari Air Base in Estonia, with three recent departures and two suspected upcoming arrivals, including a VIP United States Air Force VC-32A and a Motor Sich An-12 (likely carrying weaponry for flag-Ukraine)
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French Defense Minister: The aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle will take up a position in the Mediterranean for reconnaissance missions over the Baltic countries
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Panama-registered Estonia-owned general cargo vessel HELT imo:8402589 has sunk in Black Sea near Odesa after allegedly hit by seamine. 2 crewmembers rescued. 4 unaccounted
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Першыя 16 тысяч замежных добраахвотнікаў гатовыя абараняць Украіну, заявіў прэзідэнт Украіны. Раней міністр замежных спраў Кулеба паведаміў, што валанцёры прыехалі з 16 краін, у тым ліку з Вялікабрытаніі, Літвы, Латвіі, Эстоніі, Польшчы, Ізраіля і іншых.
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Finland and Sweden, two Arctic states that are not NATO members, received a letter from Russia demanding security guarantees. Finland is preparing a response to these demands, its foreign minister says
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"Two Russian SU 27s and two Russian SU 24s violated Swedish airspace. The violation was short-lived and took place east of Gotland, across the sea
Our message to President Putin is: stop the war, pull out all your forces from Ukraine & engage in good faith in diplomatic efforts; the world stands with Ukraine, - SG @jensstoltenberg at a press conference in Tapa Estonia with PM @KajaKallas & PM @BorisJohnson2 рок таму
"Our message to President Putin is: stop the war, pull out all your forces from Ukraine & engage in good faith in diplomatic efforts; the world stands with Ukraine," - SG @jensstoltenberg at a press conference in Tapa Estonia with PM @KajaKallas & PM @BorisJohnson
Lithuania's president asks NATO to send more military reinforcements to the Baltic states
.@USArmy soldiers assigned to the @173rdabnbde traveled from Aviano Air Base in Italy to Latvia in order to support @NATO allies2 рок таму
.@USArmy soldiers assigned to the @173rdabnbde traveled from Aviano Air Base in Italy to Latvia in order to support @NATO allies
З сённяшняга дня Літва закрывае сваю паветраную прастору для расійскіх рэйсаў
Tens of thousands of people gathered at Tallinn's Freedom Square to support Ukraine. Similar events across Estonia Estonia2 рок таму
Tens of thousands of people gathered at Tallinn's Freedom Square to support Ukraine. Similar events across Estonia Estonia
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Міністэрства абароны Латвіі: Я толькі што атрымаў прапанову, як спыніць расейскую агрэсію. Захад заяўляе, што кожны расейскі жаўнер, які здасца ўкраінцам, атрымае прытулак на Захадзе. Я думаю, што гэта выйгрышная ідэя мастака Айгарса Бікша. Краіны, якія не падаюць зброю Украіне, даюць прытулак
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Estonian Ministry of Transport: We plan to close our airspace to Russian planes
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Эстонія адпраўляе Украіне браніраваныя ракеты Javelin і зенітныя боепрыпасы, паведамляе грамадская тэлекампанія са спасылкай на чыноўніка Мінабароны
Jens Stoltenberg: Spoke with President Sauli @niinisto on Russia's attack on Ukraine. At our NATO Summit tomorrow our close partners Finland, Sweden & the EU will join us to address the greatest crisis for European security in a generation
Ukraine Defense Minister: The birds from Latvia landed. Def ammunition & Stingers2 рок таму
Ukraine Defense Minister: The birds from Latvia landed. Def ammunition & Stingers
У Кіеве сустрэліся прэзідэнты Украіны, Польшчы і Літвы Уладзімір Зяленскі, Анджэй Дуда і Гітанас Наўседа.2 рок таму
У Кіеве сустрэліся прэзідэнты Украіны, Польшчы і Літвы Уладзімір Зяленскі, Анджэй Дуда і Гітанас Наўседа.
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Міністр абароны Лойд Осцін загадаў 800 амерыканскім вайскоўцам у Балтыйскім рэгіёне і восем знішчальнікаў F-35 на ўсходнім флангу NATO. Высокапастаўлены прадстаўнік абароны ЗША паведаміў, што 20 ударных верталётаў AH-64 накіроўваюцца ў Прыбалтыку і 12 верталётаў у Польшчу.