З сённяшняга дня Літва закрывае сваю паветраную прастору для расійскіх рэйсаў
2 рок тамуTens of thousands of people gathered at Tallinn's Freedom Square to support Ukraine. Similar events across Estonia Estonia
Міністэрства абароны Латвіі: Я толькі што атрымаў прапанову, як спыніць расейскую агрэсію. Захад заяўляе, што кожны расейскі жаўнер, які здасца ўкраінцам, атрымае прытулак на Захадзе. Я думаю, што гэта выйгрышная ідэя мастака Айгарса Бікша. Краіны, якія не падаюць зброю Украіне, даюць прытулак
Estonian Ministry of Transport: We plan to close our airspace to Russian planes
Эстонія адпраўляе Украіне браніраваныя ракеты Javelin і зенітныя боепрыпасы, паведамляе грамадская тэлекампанія са спасылкай на чыноўніка Мінабароны
Jens Stoltenberg: Spoke with President Sauli @niinisto on Russia's attack on Ukraine. At our NATO Summit tomorrow our close partners Finland, Sweden & the EU will join us to address the greatest crisis for European security in a generation
2 рок тамуUkraine Defense Minister: The birds from Latvia landed. Def ammunition & Stingers
2 рок тамуУ Кіеве сустрэліся прэзідэнты Украіны, Польшчы і Літвы Уладзімір Зяленскі, Анджэй Дуда і Гітанас Наўседа.
Міністр абароны Лойд Осцін загадаў 800 амерыканскім вайскоўцам у Балтыйскім рэгіёне і восем знішчальнікаў F-35 на ўсходнім флангу NATO. Высокапастаўлены прадстаўнік абароны ЗША паведаміў, што 20 ударных верталётаў AH-64 накіроўваюцца ў Прыбалтыку і 12 верталётаў у Польшчу.
The Pentagon: 20 Apache attack helicopters will move from Germany to the Baltic region
Biden "In response to Russia's admission that it will not withdraw its forces from Belarus, I have authorized the additional movements of U.S. forces and equipment already stationed in Europe, to strengthen our Baltic allies Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania
German Defense Minister: We are ready to send more troops and aircraft to Lithuania
Estonia's President - who is visiting Ukraine's President in Kyiv - says a "threat to Ukraine is a threat to the security of Europe". Alar Karis says the door must stay open for Ukraine to join NATO and the European Union. "You belong in Europe"
@SecDef пра Расею вакол Украіны "Яны круцяцца і цяпер гатовыя нанесці ўдар"
Міністр абароны Осцін: Я згодны з прэзідэнтам Байдэнам, што [Пуцін] прыняў сваё рашэнне
US Defense Secretary: We hope that Putin will retreat from the brink of conflict
3 рок тамуDefense Minister of Ukraine: today we got Javelins from our friends,neighbors&partners-Estonia
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris told Baltic leaders that Washington is considering reinforcing their states militarily as Ukraine-Russia crisis grows, Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda said on Friday
3 рок тамуUSAF B52s heading towards Kaliningrad/Baltic Sea
3 рок тамуThe two United States Air Force Boeings B-52H Stratofortress have made their way to Denmark together. Currently over Denmark Aalborg. 61-0003 ZEUS51 AE589A and 61-0018 ZEUS52 AE58A7
3 рок тамуFirst German-led NATO enhanced Forward Presence battle group reinforcement military vehicles arrive to Rukla military base, in Lithuania February 17, 2022. REUTERS/Ints Kalnins
3 рок тамуМіністэрства абароны Эстоніі: Расея гатовая да вайны - расейская разведка склала спіс цэляў ва Украіне, каб паралізаваць самаабарону Украіны
British troops and tanks have began leaving Sennelager in Germany and bases in the UK and are now on their way to Estonia to reinforce Nato allies
"In our assessment, the Russian Armed Forces are ready to embark on a full-scale military operation against Ukraine from the second half of February" per assessment from Estonia Foreign Intelligence Service
Estonian PM @kajakallas tells "We haven't seen any deescalation yet" by Russia. "We believe it when we see it but we don't see it right now," she says, echoing NATO Sec-Gen @jensstoltenberg
3 рок тамуUK to send "small number" of troops to Lithuania to support with intelligence, surveillance & reconnaissance. It follows the deployment in December of small team to scout out what support UK military could offer at time of crisis for Lithuania with Belarus over migrant crossings
German troops arrive in Kaunas to reinforce Germany's NATO Ally Lithuania amid tensions over Russia's military buildup on Ukraine's borders, large scale joint Russo-Belarusian military drills in Belarus
3 рок тамуAdditional German troops arrived in Lithuania today to reinforce the Lithuania @BG_LTU_eFP in Rukla
3 рок тамуLithuania has provided Ukraine with Stinger MANPADS
3 рок тамуAnother NATO C-17A Globemaster III flying from Siauliai, Lithuania, to Kyiv Boryspil Airport, Ukraine, ACARS suggests: 01/BRK88. This flight may contain military support by Lithuania