12 Марта 2025
2 месяц назад
Prime Minister of Finland: "The Estlink 2 electricity transmission connection [undersea power cable] between Finland and Estonia has been disconnected this afternoon. Authorities are still on standby over Christmas and are investigating the matter. The interruption of the transmission connection will not affect the electricity supply of Finns."
2 месяц назад
Chairman of Foreign Affairs Committee of Estonian Parliament: If the assumption is true that the outage of the Estonia-Finland electricity connection EstLink2 is caused by interference from a vessel that has passed over the field, NATO member states should quickly consult on further actions. Closing the Baltic Sea to vessels flying certain flags should not be ruled out.
2 месяц назад
Финский пограничный патрульный катер Turva, находящийся рядом с Eagle S, включил АИС несколько минут назад
2 месяц назад
Estonia sanctioned another 14 Georgian authorities, including Prime Minister Kobakhidze
3 месяц назад
German Defense Minister: Russia Shows Increased Presence in Baltic Sea
3 месяц назад
Finnish Police is not investigating cable cut as possible sabotage. One cable cut was an accident, made by an excavator, details on the other aren't known yet
3 месяц назад
Finland said it was investigating the causes of two separate breaches of land-based fiber-optic cables in the Nordic country, the latest in a series of telecoms infrastructure outages to affect the Baltic Sea region
3 месяц назад
Gabrielius Landsbergis, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania announced on December 1, that three Baltic states – Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania “jointly agreed to impose national sanctions against those who suppressed legitimate protests in Georgia.”
Swedish authorities have reason to suspect that the Chinese ship Yi Peng 3 deliberately dragged its anchor on the seabed for kilometers in order to damage the submarine cables between Finland and Germany and Sweden and Lithuania3 месяц назад
Swedish authorities have reason to suspect that the Chinese ship Yi Peng 3 deliberately dragged its anchor on the seabed for kilometers in order to damage the submarine cables between Finland and Germany and Sweden and Lithuania
3 месяц назад
A DHL cargo plane flying from Germany to Lithuania crashed early Monday near the airport of the capital Vilnius killing one person, firefighters said
3 месяц назад
DHL cargo plane crashes in Lithuania, killing 1, local officials say
A Swiftair 737-400 operated for DHL crashed in a residential area short of the runway while attempting to land in Vilnius this morning at approximately 03:30 UTC3 месяц назад
A Swiftair 737-400 operated for DHL crashed in a residential area short of the runway while attempting to land in Vilnius this morning at approximately 03:30 UTC
There was a plane crash near Vilnius. The plane belonging to the DHL company crashed into a two-story residential building on Žirnių Street in the capital of Lithuania and caught fire. Initial information indicates that there were four people on board: two pilots and two employees of the company.3 месяц назад
There was a plane crash near Vilnius. The plane belonging to the DHL company crashed into a two-story residential building on Žirnių Street in the capital of Lithuania and caught fire. Initial information indicates that there were four people on board: two pilots and two employees of the company.
3 месяц назад
DHL cargo plane crashes near Vilnius airport
Yi Peng 3 is being detained in Danish waters by the looks of it3 месяц назад
Yi Peng 3 is being detained in Danish waters by the looks of it
Sweden opens probe into suspected sabotage of Baltic Sea cables: prosecutors3 месяц назад
Sweden opens probe into suspected sabotage of Baltic Sea cables: prosecutors
3 Danish navy ships are converging on the Chinese vessel suspect of cutting communication cables right now3 месяц назад
3 Danish navy ships are converging on the Chinese vessel suspect of cutting communication cables right now
3 месяц назад
Германия и Финляндия глубоко обеспокоены разрывом подводного телекоммуникационного кабеля: совместное заявление
3 месяц назад
После сообщений финских СМИ о том, что необъяснимый сбой подводного телекоммуникационного кабеля нарушил связь между Финляндией и Германией, Telia заявила, что кабель связи между Литвой и Швецией также был поврежден.
Finnish state company Cinia has held a presser on issue with the CLion1 Helsinki to Rostock cable. Hypothesis is that it is completely cut close to Öland, and that this is the result of external forces (though no particular indication of sabotage)3 месяц назад
Finnish state company Cinia has held a presser on issue with the CLion1 Helsinki to Rostock cable. Hypothesis is that it is completely cut close to Öland, and that this is the result of external forces (though no particular indication of sabotage)
4 месяц назад
Новый глава внешнеполитического ведомства ЕС Каллас заявила на слушаниях в Европарламенте, что существуют два неотложных приоритета внешней политики ЕС: война России против Украины и Ближнего Востока
4 месяц назад
Russia is behind explosive parcels sent from Lithuania to European countries, a Lithuanian presidential adviser said on Tuesday, amid alarm amongst NATO countries that sabotage organised by Moscow nearly caused an air disaster. Western governments and intelligence agencies in Europe have previously pointed to Moscow as being the source of a series of fires and acts of sabotage in Europe aimed at destabilising allies of Ukraine
Swedish police said that they were investigating a shooting near an Israeli target in the city of Gothenburg, which the national broadcaster said was a unit of Israeli defence contractor Elbit Systems. There were no reports of injuries and a young suspect was apprehended at the scene. He is suspected with an attempted murder and serious weapons crime
Lithuania has fortified another bridge over the Nemunas River on the route from the Kaliningrad. Fortifications are progressing as planned, with some bridges set to be demolished. Fortifications will be supported by firepower, in case it’s needed, to stop and destroy the enemy5 месяц назад
Lithuania has fortified another bridge over the Nemunas River on the route from the Kaliningrad. Fortifications are progressing as planned, with some bridges set to be demolished. Fortifications will be supported by firepower, in case it’s needed, to stop and destroy the enemy
5 месяц назад
Пятая статья Договора НАТО не поможет тем маленьким странам альянса, которые грозят России, заявил зампред Совбеза РФ Медведев
Запад пытается максимально осложнить транзит в Калининградскую область из других регионов России, чтобы изолировать анклав, - помощник Путина Николай Патрушев
5 месяц назад
Finnish Defense Minister: NATO to create new land command in eastern Finland
5 месяц назад
Харрис: Если мы позволим агрессорам безнаказанно захватывать территории, Путин может обратить свой взор на Польшу и Прибалтику
5 месяц назад
Радиоактивность неизвестного происхождения, измеренная в период с 9 по 12 сентября в приграничной зоне. Уровни очень низкие и не представляют опасности для людей или окружающей среды. Радиоактивность была измерена в фильтрах в Викшёфьелле и Сванховде во вторую неделю сентября
5 месяц назад
Sweden and Finland have agreed that Sweden will be the frame work nation for the NATO Forward Land Forces construct in northern Finland. In practice: HQ staff will be permanent, forces will flow in if needed. Makes sense from a military and security policy perspectives