7 Martie 2025
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Finland has quietly filled its wartime stockpiles and is activating some of the so-called “production reservation agreements” which means that companies produce at the armed forces’ request what is needed for logistics
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President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan had a telephone conversation with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg
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Planurile Alianței Nord-Atlantice de a organiza exerciții Steadfast Defender 2024 în apropierea granițelor ruse sunt provocatoare, cresc riscul de incidente militare și ar putea duce la consecințe tragice pentru Europa, - Ministerul rus de Externe
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Unul dintre cele două cabluri de energie ale sistemului EstLink 2 care leagă Estonia de Finlanda a eșuat. Acest lucru a fost raportat de portalul de radio și televiziune de stat estonian ERR.
Călătoria lui Putin la Kaliningrad nu este un „mesaj" către țările NATO, este o vizită regulată a regiunilor, – purtătorul de cuvânt al Kremlinului
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Orbán’s number two and parliament speaker László Kövér says that he himself opposes Sweden’s NATO accession and hints that Fidesz MPs won’t support the opposition’s proposal for an extraordinary parliamentary session on the ratification
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The US Ambassador to Turkey: Erdogan may sign the ratification of Sweden's accession to NATO within a few days
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Parlamentul turc aprobă aderarea Suediei la NATO
NATO CMC Bauer spune că comandantul-șef suedez Micael Bydén „avea dreptate" să-i avertizeze pe cetățenii de acolo să „se pregătească de război". El subliniază că chiar și țările din cadrul alianței trebuie să adopte abordarea nordică „întreaga societate". „Nu este un dat că suntem în pace", spune el
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Putin: În țările baltice, rușii sunt aruncați de la graniță, acest lucru afectează securitatea țării noastre.
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Președintele Ucrainei Zelensky sa întâlnit cu președintele Letoniei Edgars Rinkēvičs în timpul vizitei la Riga
Zelensky din Ucraina, aflat în vizită în Estonia, spune că orice „pauze" în conflict ar ajuta Rusia
Președintele Ucrainei Zelensky sa întâlnit cu președintele Estoniei
Negocierile dintre președinții Ucrainei și Lituaniei au început la Vilnius, - Biroul Președintelui
Heavy GPS interference in southern Baltic Sea area, covering also large swathes of Poland and southern tip of Sweden1 an înapoi
Heavy GPS interference in southern Baltic Sea area, covering also large swathes of Poland and southern tip of Sweden
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Ministerul rus de Externe: Desfășurarea tancurilor germane în Lituania va duce la o escaladare a tensiunilor militare
Finland and the United States have signed a mutual defence cooperation agreement (DCA) in Washington DC. A full circle as the defence material partnership that began in the 1990's in the post-Cold War world has now developed into an alliance
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Federația Rusă a avut cele mai bune relații cu Finlanda, iar acum va trebui să adune unități militare în Districtul Militar Leningrad - Putin
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Ministerul rus al Apărării: Două bombardiere cu rază lungă de acțiune Tu-22M3 au finalizat un zbor de 5 ore deasupra Mării Baltice
White House: Biden and Erdogan discussed the importance of strengthening NATO, including accepting Sweden as an ally
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Finnish Prime Minister: It would be beneficial for Russia to return to what the situation was like on the border between Finland and Russia before
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Finland to shut more border stations if migration continues says PM
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The Prime Minister of Finland said that the country's government discussed the situation on the border with Moscow through diplomatic channels, the negotiations "did not lead to any results"
Turkish Parliamentary commission delays the vote on Sweden’s NATO bid to another round of meeting1 an înapoi
Turkish Parliamentary commission delays the vote on Sweden’s NATO bid to another round of meeting
Finland is closing its border crossings with Russia due to what the government says is instrumentalized immigration facilitated by Russia1 an înapoi
Finland is closing its border crossings with Russia due to what the government says is "instrumentalized immigration" facilitated by Russia
USAF Boeing WC-135R Constant Phoenix nuke sniffer JAKE21/64-14829 (AE048D) from RAF Mildenhall is currently conducing an interesting and somewhat unusual mission over the Baltic Sea1 an înapoi
USAF Boeing WC-135R Constant Phoenix "nuke sniffer" JAKE21/64-14829 (AE048D) from RAF Mildenhall is currently conducing an interesting and somewhat unusual mission over the Baltic Sea
Kaliningrad Express continues. Two flights today.A few thoughts about unusually heavy air traffic to and out of the Kaliningrad Oblast. Since at least 27OCT very high air traffic to and from the Kaliningrad Oblast. Daily flights include Il-76 and An-124s transport aircraft
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Latvian border guards released a video showing unidentified individuals bringing two motionless bodies to the fence on the Belarusian border. The Belarus government had previously accused Latvia of neglecting migrants at the border
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On October 25, the Ambassador of Finland was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry and was informed of the termination of the agreement on cross-border cooperation.
SwAF JAS 39 Gripen fighters, @usairforce B-1B Lancer bombers and Danish F-16 (not pictured) trained together on Tuesday. Exercise scenario involved defending the Swedish island of Gotland in the Baltic sea. Photos: 172:a stridsflygdivision, Flygvapnet NATO1 an înapoi
SwAF JAS 39 Gripen fighters, @usairforce B-1B Lancer bombers and Danish F-16 (not pictured) trained together on Tuesday. Exercise scenario involved defending the Swedish island of Gotland in the Baltic sea. Photos: 172:a stridsflygdivision, Flygvapnet NATO