2 gads atpakaļThe Home Guard on Gotland is trained in anti-tank missiles 57 NLAW
2 gads atpakaļIgaunijas Iekšējās drošības dienests: pirms Krievijas neizprovocētā kara Ukrainā notika sistemātiska un ilgstoša naida kurināšana. Mēs šos draudus uztveram ļoti nopietni. Šodien Igaunija izraidīja Krievijas pilsoni un ilggadējo provokatoru Alekseju Esakovu
Russian Mil Mi-17 violated Finnish airspace today before midday
2 gads atpakaļOn 03/05, 2 M2000-5F France deployed in Estonia as part of the NATO eAP air policing mission took off on alert to accompany 3 aircraft operating near Baltic airspace.
Baltais nams par Zviedrijas un Somijas iespējamo pievienošanos NATO: prezidents Baidens vienmēr ir atbalstījis alianses "atvērto durvju politiku", saka Psaki
Somijas mediji ziņo, ka Somija oficiāli pieteiksies dalībai NATO 12. maijā
Croatian President Zoran Milanović said that the country will block Finland's membership in NATO until the election law in Bosnia and Herzegovina is changed
The Russian Federation declares three employees of the Swedish Embassy in Moscow persona non grata, - the Foreign Ministry said
Krievijas Ārlietu ministrija slēdz Latvijas, Lietuvas un Igaunijas konsulātus Sanktpēterburgā
Vācija līdz gada beigām pārtrauks naftas importu no Krievijas, trešdien pēc tikšanās ar Baltijas valstu kolēģiem paziņoja Vācijas ārlietu ministre Annalēna Bērboka.
Somija uz Ukrainu nosūta trešo militārās palīdzības kravu. Sīkāka informācija par sūtījuma saturu netiek sniegta, taču nosūtītais aprīkojums ir saskaņots ar Ukrainu, lai tas atbilstu viņu vajadzībām
2 gads atpakaļMode S 007617 28514 C/S UAV active near StPetersburg
2 gads atpakaļA new batch of hardware arrived on the Eastern flank. M777 howitzers, LAV 6.0s, and other equipment were unloaded at the Port of Riga for transport to the NATO's enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) battlegroup in Latvia.
2 gads atpakaļThe Baltic Fleet Steregushchiy's Soobrazitelnyy and Stoikiy, and the tug Viktor Konetskiy, passed the Great Belt southbound today, returning to the Baltic. Photos: Kurt Pedersen / Facebook group: Under Broen
The Russian Foreign Ministry warns of "consequences" if Finland and Sweden join NATO
Baltkrievijas robežsargi vakar vakarā paziņoja, ka uz robežas ar Lietuvu notriekuši kvadrokopteri
Lietuvas aizsardzības ministrs Krievijas draudus nosauca par dīvainiem, uzsverot, ka starptautiskā sabiedrība labi zina, ka Krievijas kodolieroči jau atrodas Kaļiņingradas apgabalā.
Krievijas Drošības padomes sekretāra vietnieks Medvedevs draud izvietot kodolieročus Baltijas jūras reģionā gadījumā, ja Somija un Zviedrija pievienosies NATO
2 gads atpakaļGitans Nausėda: Šodien apmeklēja Borodjanku. Šeit savu seju ir parādījusi cilvēces tumšā puse. Krievijas armijas pastrādātie brutālie kara noziegumi nepaliks nesodīti. Kara noziedznieki ir jātiesā starptautiskā mērogā. Paliec stipra, Ukraina
Sweden will apply for NATO membership - SVD
2 gads atpakaļPresident of Estonia: On our way to Kyiv, to a city that has suffered terribly due to Russian war since my last visit. Together with Presidents @AndrzejDuda, @GitanasNauseda & @valstsgriba we visit Ukraine to show strong support to Ukrainian people, will meet dear friend President @ZelenskyyUa
2 gads atpakaļSteinmeier not looking happy having received news of Ukraine blocking trip: Says he wanted to send "strong signal of EU solidarity" alongside presidents of Baltics & Poland. "I was ready but apparently (and I need to take note) this was not desired in Kyiv"
Finland will adopt a report about the national security environment at a government session tomorrow. That report does not contain policy proposals but is expected to start discussions in Finland's parliament about whether to pursue membership in NATO
Denmark's Health Agency, concerned by the war in Ukraine, will buy 2 million iodine tablets to protect people in the event of a nuclear accident close to the Nordic country, it said on Monday
2 gads atpakaļPrime Minister of Lithuania: Today, my visit in Ukraine started in Borodyanka. No words could possibly describe what I saw and felt here
Russia stages war games in Kaliningrad enclave, Interfax says - Reuters News "Up to 1,000 military personnel. and more than 60 military equipment units were involved," Interfax news quoted the Russian Baltic Fleet Command's press service as saying
Ministry of Defense of Finland: The Department of Defense website is currently undergoing a denial-of-service attack. We are currently investigating.
A Russian state aircraft is suspected of violating Finnish airspace this morning. The Border Guard is investigating the matter
Prospect of Finland and Sweden joining @NATO was discussed this week in Brussels, confirms a senior @StateDept official
2 gads atpakaļForeign Minister @Haavisto confirms: NATO is ready to accept Finland's application According to Foreign Minister, NATO member states have submitted offers of security during the processing of the application for membership