2 gads atpakaļPagājušo ceturtdien, 20. oktobrī, Somu līcī Krievijas teritoriālajos ūdeņos notika četri neizskaidrojami zemūdens sprādzieni, ko atklāja Helsinku Universitātes Seismoloģijas institūts. Lielumi: 2,0,1,5,1,5,1,4
Prime Minister @MorawieckiM in Łask: You cannot build a strong army without a state with strong financial foundations. To build a strong army you need money, money and more money, and its modernization requires cooperation with allies
The Italian Air Force: Two sorties were carried out during the past two days to intercept Russian planes flying near the Nato borders in Poland
Stoltenberg: The accession of Sweden and Finland to NATO will strengthen our northern front in the Baltic Sea
2 gads atpakaļSwedish journalists got permission to image one of the Nord Stream explosion sites using an underwater drone (ROV)
Irāna kļūst par līdzdalībnieci Krievijas notiekošajā karā Ukrainā, piegādājot Maskavai bezpilota lidaparātus, saka Lietuvas ārlietu ministrs Gabrieliuss Landsberģis
Igaunijas, Latvijas un Lietuvas ārlietu ministri aicina izveidot "speciālu tribunālu sodīšanai par agresijas noziegumu pret Ukrainu", kas papildinātu SKT lomu.
Krievijas Ārlietu ministrija: saistībā ar Nord Stream cauruļvada avārijām izsaukti diplomāti no Vācijas, Dānijas un Zviedrijas
U.S.-led NATO said on Tuesday its member states were boosting security around key installations as Russia escalated its attacks on Ukraine and stepped up threats against the West
Dānijai piederošajā Bornholmas salā šorīt elektrības padeves pārtraukums kopš 8.10 pēc vietējā laika. Kļūme zemūdens kabelī, kas nāk no Zviedrijas. Tiek iedarbināta vietējā spēkstacija
Swedish Security Service: Nord Stream Damaged From Detonations (Bloomberg) -Swedish Security Service has concluded the crime scene investigation at Nord Stream 1 and 2 and the suspicions of severe sabotage has been strengthened, it says in a statement
NATO kara lidmašīnas ir sapulcējušās, lai pārtvertu 4 Krievijas lidmašīnas, kas pārkāpa Polijas un Zviedrijas gaisa telpu
2 gads atpakaļLukašenka: Baltkrievija piedalās militārajā operācijā Ukrainā, aizsargājot Krieviju no Polijas, Latvijas un Lietuvas
2 gads atpakaļThe gas leak from the Nord Stream 2 pipeline in the Swedish economic zone is increasing again. Reason unclear, Sweden's Coast Guard says. - Aftonbladet
Lietuva izraida Krievijas biznesa vadītāju
Inbox from @NATO: "On Saturday, 1 October 2022, the NATO Secretary General, Mr. Jens Stoltenberg, will receive the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Denmark, Ms. Mette Frederiksen." Comes amid investigation into the apparent sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines
Kremlis tur aizdomās par ārvalstu "valsts līdzdalību" Nord Stream informācijas nopludināšanā
Swedish security forces implement "heightened attention" at two nuclear power plants as a result of the gas leaks at Nord Stream 1 and 2 - SVT
Russia's FSB is investigating damage to Nord Stream pipelines as "international terrorism" - Interfax
The Danish Defense Minister warns that there are reasons for "concern" about the security situation in the Baltic Sea region
2 gads atpakaļDenmark's Foreign Minister: We have no desire to talk to Russia. We want to get to the bottom of this, and we will do so together with our allies
Norway is raising the lever of security readiness at all its oil and gas installations, including the continental self. The explosions on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines (and sighting of drones in the Nord Sea) are prompting Europe to take very seriously the risk of sabotage
Government representatives from Poland, Denmark and Norway have opened the new Baltic Pipe
2 gads atpakaļPictures from F-16 of gas leak in the Baltic Sea
2 gads atpakaļVideo and photos of the gas leaks on the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines in the Baltic Sea
Danish authorities declare alert in the energy sector after a leak in the Nord Stream pipeline
Zviedrijas Jūras administrācija: Nord Stream 1 gāzes cauruļvada noplūde Zviedrijas un Dānijas ūdeņos
2 gads atpakaļAmb Carwile: "HIMARS deployment reflects the U.S. commitment to enhancing our rotational deployments in the Baltic States. We again reaffirm the unity and unwavering determination of the U.S. and NATO Allies to defend every inch of NATO territory. This commitment is sacrosanct
2 gads atpakaļCrude oil tanker Alexia on fire at Baltic Sea, en route from Russia to Turkey. Finnish rescue responding. Estonian rescue responsibility zone so they are in command
Lietuvas valsts aizsardzības ministrs: Tā kā Krievijas militārā mobilizācija notiks arī netālu no mūsu robežām (Kaļiņingradas apgabals), Lietuvas ātrās reaģēšanas spēki ir pakļauti paaugstinātai gatavībai, lai novērstu jebkādas provokācijas no Krievijas puses