5 Cotmeh 2024
1 year ago
Minsk, li hember girtina xala kontrolê ya sînorî ya Bobrovniki ji aliyê Varşovayê ve, biryar da ku ketina kamyonên Polonî bo Belarusê sînordar bike. Naha ew dikarin tenê bi rêya sînorê Belarusî-Polonî têkevin.
1 year ago
Stoltenberg reiterates what he said at DefMin: "It's Turkey's decision alone." Cavusoglu says he does expect Erdogan to handle Finland's ratification separately from Sweden's. He acknowledges "positive steps" but says "Sweden's obligations have not been fully fulfilled
NATO chief Stoltenberg, visiting Turkey, says his position remains that both Finland and Sweden have done everything they pledged to get Ankara's approval for membership.   He reiterated the line that it's more important both are ratified ASAP than whether it happens together1 year ago
NATO chief Stoltenberg, visiting Turkey, says his position remains that both Finland and Sweden have done everything they pledged to get Ankara's approval for membership. He reiterated the line that it's more important both are ratified ASAP than whether it happens together
Lukashenka soza bersivê dide piştî ku Polonya û Lîtvanya hin deriyên sînorî yên bi Belarusê re girtin1 year ago
Lukashenka soza bersivê dide piştî ku Polonya û Lîtvanya hin deriyên sînorî yên bi Belarusê re girtin
Du balefirên Holandî yên F-35 "ji dûr ve" balefira sîxuriyê ya Rûsyayê û 2 firokeyên şer ên ku derbasî qada hewayî ya Polonyayê bûn, Holanda ragihand. Hêza hewayî ya Qraliyeta Hollandayê li Polonyayê wezîfeya polîsên hewayî ya NATOyê pêk tîne. Cara yekem destwerdanek weha ji destpêka pevçûna Ukraynayê ve tê kirin - BBC
Right now at the border checkpoint with Lithuania, the Workers Movement activists and the diaspora are blocking trucks with cargo from Hrodna Azot, a Belarusian factory under sanctions. The activists want to bring attention to sanction avoidance, which the EU allows1 year ago
Right now at the border checkpoint with Lithuania, the Workers Movement activists and the diaspora are blocking trucks with cargo from Hrodna Azot, a Belarusian factory under sanctions. The activists want to bring attention to sanction avoidance, which the EU allows
Avahiya hilberîna wesayîtên hewayî yên bêmirov ên Edge Otonomy li Mārupe şewat derket. Vîdyoya şahidên ku li ser medyaya civakî hatine parvekirin nîşan dide ku avahî bi şewatên vekirî dişewite. Hêzeke mezin a rizgarkirinê tevlî vemirandinê dibe. Ji niştecihan re tê pêşniyar kirin ku ji dûmanê dûr bisekinin1 year ago
Avahiya hilberîna wesayîtên hewayî yên bêmirov ên "Edge Otonomy" li Mārupe şewat derket. Vîdyoya şahidên ku li ser medyaya civakî hatine parvekirin nîşan dide ku avahî bi şewatên vekirî dişewite. Hêzeke mezin a rizgarkirinê tevlî vemirandinê dibe. Ji niştecihan re tê pêşniyar kirin ku ji dûmanê dûr bisekinin
A group of Polish firefighters and paramedics are on their way to Türkiye PolandPolandhandshakeflag-trflag-tr Also, 8 dogs and 20 tons of equipment #Solidarity
1 year ago
Serokwezîrê Letonyayê: Em ji aliyê leşkerî ve amade ne ku her êrîşek ku welatên Baltîkê bike armanc bişkînin
1 year ago
Norway says to buy 54 new generation Leopard 2 tanks, to replace older versions
1 year ago
General Sergey Kuzovlev bû fermandarê nû yê navçeya Leşkerî ya Başûrê Rûsyayê û Orgeneral Evgeniy Nikiforov bû fermandarê nû yê navçeya Leşkerî ya Northern Syria .
1 year ago
Letonya Balyozê Rûsyayê derdixe
1 year ago
Fîloya Rûsyayê ya Deryaya Baltîk tetbîqatên amadebûna şer pêk tîne
1 year ago
Rûsyayê balyozê Estonyayê dersînor kir. "Daxistina têkiliyên dîplomatîk"
1 year ago
Daxuyaniya wezîrên berevaniyê yên Fransa û Almanya: "Ji bo pêşxistina kapasîteya herdu artêşên ku bi hev re bi cih bibin, ji bo tetbîqatên li Romanyayê du tabûrên franko-almanî ji Tûgaya Frensî-Almanan were pêşandan."
1 year ago
Serok Zelensky: Ji dil spasiya Hikûmeta Swêdê û @SwedishPM dikim ji bo pakêta nû ya alîkariya leşkerî ji Ukraynayê re. CV90 IFVs, Archer obusên xweser û NLAW ATGM çekên hêzdar in ku artêşa Ukraynayê hewce dike ku axa me ji ên rûsî rizgar bike. Bi hev re serkeftineke hevpar
1 year ago
Li lûleya gazê ya di navbera Lîtvanya û Letonyayê de teqîn pêk hat - Gundê nêzîk wê bê valakirin
Lithuania: Report of Gas pipeline blast in northern Lithuania, 250 people told to evacuate  -The affected pipeline supplies gas to northern part of Lithuania and delivers gas to Latvia.  -The incident may cause disruptions of gas supply to Latvia as well as northern Lithuania1 year ago
Lithuania: Report of Gas pipeline blast in northern Lithuania, 250 people told to evacuate -The affected pipeline supplies gas to northern part of Lithuania and delivers gas to Latvia. -The incident may cause disruptions of gas supply to Latvia as well as northern Lithuania
Serokên Lîtvanya û Polonya serdaneke neçaverêkirî li Lviv dikin1 year ago
Serokên Lîtvanya û Polonya serdaneke neçaverêkirî li Lviv dikin
@RFERL Belarus opened office in Vilnius
1 year ago
Sweden can't meet Turkey's demands for NATO bid: PM
1 year ago
Rûsyayê xebatkarê balyozxaneya Lîtvanya ya li Moskowê dersînor kir
Ministry of Defense of Latvia: On Sunday, December 25, shots were fired in the direction of Latvian peacekeepers while conducting a domestic patrol in Kosovo. There are no victims in the incident. Kosovo Police and @NATO_KFOR Military Police have opened an investigation1 year ago
Ministry of Defense of Latvia: On Sunday, December 25, shots were fired in the direction of Latvian peacekeepers while conducting a domestic patrol in Kosovo. There are no victims in the incident. Kosovo Police and @NATO_KFOR Military Police have opened an investigation
1 year ago
Letonya lîsansa weşanê ya kanala rûsî ya sirgûnkirî Dozhd TV betal kir piştî ku pêşkêşvanek pêşniyar kir ku kanal ji bo leşkerên rûsî bexşînên malzemeyan teşwîq dike.
1 year ago
Scholz: The Nordstream incident underscores the need for a comprehensive reassessment of infrastructure security
1 year ago
German Chancellor: We hope Finland and Sweden will formally join NATO by the next NATO meeting
State Department announces new sale of fighter jet missiles to Finland: 40 AIM 9X Block IIs, 4 AIM 9X Block II tactical guidance units; and 48 AGM-154 Joint Stand Off Weapons, (JSOW)
NATO Secretary General: It's time for Finland and Sweden to join the alliance
President @AndrzejDuda in Kaunas: I believe that the guiding principle setting out the directions and goals of the EU for the coming years should be a rational redefinition not only of the Union itself, but also of the needs, opportunities and difficulties that we will soon face
NATO Sec Gen @jensstoltenberg addresses NATO PA: The time has come to finalize the accesion process of Finland and Sweden, they delivered all commitments