23 February 2025
1 year ago
Il Parlamento turco approva l'adesione della Svezia alla NATO
Il CMC Bauer della NATO afferma che il comandante in capo svedese Micael Bydén "aveva ragione" ad avvertire i cittadini di "prepararsi alla guerra". Sottolinea che anche i paesi all'interno dell'alleanza devono adottare l'approccio nordico "dell'intera società". "Non è un dato di fatto che siamo in pace", dice
1 year ago
Putin: Nei Paesi Baltici i russi vengono espulsi dal confine, ciò incide sulla sicurezza del nostro Paese.
1 year ago
Il presidente dell'Ucraina Zelenskyj ha incontrato il presidente della Lettonia Edgars Rinkēvičs durante la sua visita a Riga
Zelenskyj ucraino, in visita in Estonia, afferma che qualsiasi "pausa" nel conflitto aiuterebbe la Russia
Il presidente dell'Ucraina Zelenskyj ha incontrato il presidente dell'Estonia
A Vilnius sono iniziati i negoziati tra i presidenti di Ucraina e Lituania, - Ufficio del Presidente
Heavy GPS interference in southern Baltic Sea area, covering also large swathes of Poland and southern tip of Sweden1 year ago
Heavy GPS interference in southern Baltic Sea area, covering also large swathes of Poland and southern tip of Sweden
1 year ago
Ministero degli Esteri russo: Lo spiegamento di carri armati tedeschi in Lituania porterà ad un'escalation delle tensioni militari
Finland and the United States have signed a mutual defence cooperation agreement (DCA) in Washington DC. A full circle as the defence material partnership that began in the 1990's in the post-Cold War world has now developed into an alliance
1 year ago
La Federazione Russa aveva i migliori rapporti con la Finlandia e ora dovrà riunire unità militari nel distretto militare di Leningrado - Putin
1 year ago
Ministero della Difesa russo: Due bombardieri a lungo raggio Tu-22M3 hanno completato un volo di 5 ore sul Mar Baltico
White House: Biden and Erdogan discussed the importance of strengthening NATO, including accepting Sweden as an ally
1 year ago
Finnish Prime Minister: It would be beneficial for Russia to return to what the situation was like on the border between Finland and Russia before
1 year ago
Finland to shut more border stations if migration continues says PM
1 year ago
The Prime Minister of Finland said that the country's government discussed the situation on the border with Moscow through diplomatic channels, the negotiations "did not lead to any results"
Turkish Parliamentary commission delays the vote on Sweden’s NATO bid to another round of meeting1 year ago
Turkish Parliamentary commission delays the vote on Sweden’s NATO bid to another round of meeting
Finland is closing its border crossings with Russia due to what the government says is instrumentalized immigration facilitated by Russia1 year ago
Finland is closing its border crossings with Russia due to what the government says is "instrumentalized immigration" facilitated by Russia
USAF Boeing WC-135R Constant Phoenix nuke sniffer JAKE21/64-14829 (AE048D) from RAF Mildenhall is currently conducing an interesting and somewhat unusual mission over the Baltic Sea1 year ago
USAF Boeing WC-135R Constant Phoenix "nuke sniffer" JAKE21/64-14829 (AE048D) from RAF Mildenhall is currently conducing an interesting and somewhat unusual mission over the Baltic Sea
Kaliningrad Express continues. Two flights today.A few thoughts about unusually heavy air traffic to and out of the Kaliningrad Oblast. Since at least 27OCT very high air traffic to and from the Kaliningrad Oblast. Daily flights include Il-76 and An-124s transport aircraft
1 year ago
Latvian border guards released a video showing unidentified individuals bringing two motionless bodies to the fence on the Belarusian border. The Belarus government had previously accused Latvia of neglecting migrants at the border
1 year ago
On October 25, the Ambassador of Finland was summoned to the Russian Foreign Ministry and was informed of the termination of the agreement on cross-border cooperation.
SwAF JAS 39 Gripen fighters, @usairforce B-1B Lancer bombers and Danish F-16 (not pictured) trained together on Tuesday. Exercise scenario involved defending the Swedish island of Gotland in the Baltic sea. Photos: 172:a stridsflygdivision, Flygvapnet NATO1 year ago
SwAF JAS 39 Gripen fighters, @usairforce B-1B Lancer bombers and Danish F-16 (not pictured) trained together on Tuesday. Exercise scenario involved defending the Swedish island of Gotland in the Baltic sea. Photos: 172:a stridsflygdivision, Flygvapnet NATO
The Newnew Polar Bear left Arkhangelsk this morning and is heading north in the White Sea. AIS destination on Marinetraffic is "Meeting icebreaker". Interestingly, the NNPB got a new NSR application approved on Oct 19th, for Nov 1st to 15th. The old expires on Oct 31st
First picture of the damaged balticconector pipeline. Source Finnish border guard. Drag westwards pipeline multiple meters wide1 year ago
First picture of the damaged balticconector pipeline. Source Finnish border guard. Drag westwards pipeline multiple meters wide
1 year ago
Finnish police: object found near broken Baltic Sea pipeline has been identified as an anchor
Sweden PM says he doesn't set any dates for his country's NATO entry and that he got assurances that Hungary won't delay the process
Ministry of Defence of Sweden: It has been confirmed that the telecommunications cable between Sweden and Estonia was damaged through external force or tampering. NATO has increased their presence in the Baltic Sea by deploying a minesweeping vessel and increased air surveillance
1 year ago
Il protocollo di adesione della Svezia alla NATO è stato firmato dal presidente Recep Tayyip Erdoğan e inviato alla Grande Assemblea nazionale turca
One arrested after the explosion in southern Stockholm