Lithuania quit an international convention banning cluster ammunition, amid security concerns over Russia
5 天 前泽连斯基:与我们的波罗的海朋友进行了富有成效的对话:立陶宛总统吉塔纳斯·瑙塞达、拉脱维亚总统埃德加斯·林克维什和爱沙尼亚总理克里斯滕·米哈乌。向他们介绍了昨天在伦敦举行的峰会
5 天 前Water supply of strategic Baltic island Gotland was sabotaged last night. Someone broke into the pump controls and destroyed them. The pumps serve a large part of Gotland (pop 61k) and had it gone unnoticed could have left all island without water. Water is ok
2 週 前据瑞典 TV4 报道,哥特兰岛附近的波罗的海又发生了一起电缆断裂事件。瑞典国防军证实已收到有关此事的信息。北约舰船正在调查肇事者
据美国空军称,美国空军 B-52H 轰炸机已抵达欧洲,这是例行部署的一部分。轰炸机将与盟军空军一起参加一系列演习和训练飞行。在飞往欧洲途中,该飞机与 #法国 、 #瑞典 和 #芬兰 进行了例行任务。
国防部长@PeteHegseth - "@NATO 是一个伟大的联盟,也是历史上最成功的防御联盟,但为了未来能够长久,我们的合作伙伴必须为欧洲的防御做出更多贡献。"他说,欧洲应该为大陆的防御做出更多贡献
立陶宛国防部长@DSakaliene今天上午在布鲁塞尔称特朗普和普京将找到解决乌克兰战争的"幻想"是"致命陷阱"。 "我们是否决定陷入特朗普和普京将为我们所有人找到解决方案的幻想,这将是一个致命陷阱,或者我们作为欧洲,将拥抱我们自己的经济、金融和军事能力。我们将决定欧洲和乌克兰将与美国发生什么。我们不要天真。美国不仅是北约联盟最重要的贡献者,而且我想重申的是,它一直在为我们的安全买单。这需要纠正。"
3 週 前北约秘书长吕特表示,除了将国防开支占 GDP 的比例提高到"3% 以上"之外,别无选择。他警告说,否则,四五年后,北约将无法保卫其领土
On February 11, 2025 at 2:09 p.m. in the eastern part of the Bay of Gdansk, there was a violation of airspace over the territorial waters of the Republic of Poland by a Su-24MR aircraft of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The aircraft, which flew from the Kaliningrad, violated Polish airspace to a maximum depth of 6.5 km and stayed there for 1 minute and 12 seconds.
@EU_Commission 主席乌尔苏拉·冯德莱恩:今天我们将波罗的海国家接入欧洲大陆电网。我们正在切断与俄罗斯的最后联系。终于摆脱了威胁和勒索。这是历史性的一天
一艘载有燃油的油轮在列宁格勒州乌斯季卢加港沉没——调查委员会地区交通部门。船上载有 13 万吨燃油。列宁格勒州沉船没有损坏,没有人员伤亡
Lithuania: Baltic states complete disconnection from Russian energy grid
Finland's defense ministry says a Russian plane violated Finnish airspace "for a few minutes."
Russia is concerned about NATO's plans to turn the Baltic into an internal sea of the Alliance. In this regard, Putin discusses the development of the Kaliningrad region with the Security Council
NATO is trying to blockade Russia in the Baltic Sea and paralyze the work of ports in the Leningrad and Kaliningrad regions, said Russian presidential aide and Chairman of the Russian Maritime Collegium Nikolai Patrushev.
Police: At least 10 people killed in school shooting, including suspect. Number of injured not yet clear. Motive unknown but no indication of terrorism.
At least 5 people shot at school in Örebro, Sweden - police
Norway police stop ship with Russian crew in connection with Latvia-Sweden cable damage
A ship has been seized after the cable break between Gotland and Latvia. The Coast Guard is on site at a Malta-registered ship outside Karlskrona
Swedish PM: There is information suggesting that at least one data cable between Sweden and Latvia has been damaged in the Baltic Sea. The cable is owned by a Latvian entity. I have been in close contact with my Latvian counterpart, Prime Minister Evika Siliņa, during the day. Sweden, Latvia and NATO are closely cooperating on the matter. Sweden will contribute with relevant capabilities to the effort to investigate the suspected incident.
Swedish prosecutors requested the detention of a Swedish man on suspicion of terrorism crimes over the ISIS killing of a Jordanian Air Force pilot, Mouath al-Kasaesbeh, in Syria a decade ago, they said on Monday
Hundreds of Swedish forces arrive in Latvia in largest deployment with NATO to date
Lithuania will lift defence spending to between 5% & 6% of GDP from 2026 up from just over 3% now
武装部队部长:周三至周四夜间,一架法国大西洋 2 号海上巡逻机成为俄罗斯恐吓措施的目标。作为北约行动的一部分,这架飞机正在波罗的海上国际空域巡逻,并被 S400 地对空防御系统的火控雷达照射。俄罗斯的这种侵略行为是不可接受的。我们的武装部队将继续采取行动,捍卫国际空中和海上航行自由。
1 月 前Estonia and the other Baltic States believe Russia is likely trying to test/punish them for their decision to completely decouple from the Russian energy grid in February. Estonian PM @KristenMichalPM says nothing can deter this. "Russia is not a reliable partner," he says
1 月 前Finnish Pres @alexstubb says no malign actor wanna-be should have any doubt: "Finns will act." The seizure of the Eagle S shadow-fleet tanker will now "be a benchmark we should follow", says Estonian PM @KristenMichalPM following talks of Baltic Sea leaders