23 Люты 2025
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Ministry of Defence of Sweden: It has been confirmed that the telecommunications cable between Sweden and Estonia was damaged through external force or tampering. NATO has increased their presence in the Baltic Sea by deploying a minesweeping vessel and increased air surveillance
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Пратакол аб уступленні Швецыі ў НАТА быў падпісаны прэзідэнтам Рэджэпам Таіпам Эрдаганам і накіраваны ў Вялікі нацыянальны сход Турцыі
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One arrested after the explosion in southern Stockholm
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Swedish Foreign Ministry: What is important at this stage is the delivery of aid to the Gaza Strip
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Russian Foreign Ministry: if the passage of Russian ships in the Baltic Sea is stopped because of Balticconnector, this will be a violation of international law
Finnish police: Baltic sea pipeline investigation is now focused on the role of the vessel Newpolar Bear1 рок таму
Finnish police: Baltic sea pipeline investigation is now focused on the role of the vessel Newpolar Bear
Байдэн пра тое, што Пуцін не спыніцца на Украіне. Байдэн абяцае абараняць кожны сантыметр тэрыторыі НАТА і не імкнецца да таго, каб амерыканскія войскі ваявалі ў Расеі
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Russian Foreign Minister Shoigu: it is possible that NATO bases and strike weapons will appear in Finland and Sweden in the near future
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"The security policy situation in our immediate area has deteriorated" said Swedish defence minister Jonson at the presser
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Swedish civil defence minister says have received information that a telecoms cable between Estonia and Sweden has been damaged; the damage occured at a similar time to the damage to the pipeline between Finland and Estonia
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There will be a Swedish press-conference later today, featuring the Ministers for Defense and Civil Protection, Navy and Coast Guard Chiefs on "a new development regarding sea floor critical infrastructure concerning Sweden"
Earlier this week, Latvian educational institutions received a letter with threats to blow up a bomb in schools and claims that Latvia is a part of Russia. The same happened today in Estonia, with over 300 educational institutions receiving a letter1 рок таму
Earlier this week, Latvian educational institutions received a letter with threats to blow up a bomb in schools and claims that Latvia is a part of Russia. The same happened today in Estonia, with over 300 educational institutions receiving a letter
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Kaja Kallas: I called @jensstoltenberg to brief him on the incidents related to Balticconnector and a submarine communications cable between Estonia and Finland.We discussed how to increase the protection of critical infrastructure in light of this.We agreed to remain in close contact
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Estonian Ministers: #Balticconnector pipeline damage was deliberate. DefMin: "picture we have from the pipeline tells us that the damage had to have been done by something greater than a diver or unmanned submersible. The damage is more extensive"
Norwegian independent seismic monitoring foundation NORSAR:  NORSAR have detected a probable explosion along the Finnish coast of the Baltic Sea at 01:20 (local time in Finland) on 8th October 2023. This explosion was detected using stations in Finland1 рок таму
Norwegian independent seismic monitoring foundation NORSAR: "NORSAR have detected a probable explosion along the Finnish coast of the Baltic Sea at 01:20 (local time in Finland) on 8th October 2023. This explosion was detected using stations in Finland
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The Estonian minister of defence will also hold a press conference about the underwater incidents in the Gulf of Finland, at about 17:30 CET
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The foreign minister of Finland will brief EU colleagues about the sabotage on the Balticconnector this afternoon
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Finnish prime minister first comments (presser to follow at 17:30 Finnish time):- gas pipeline damage in Finland's exclusive economic zone;- data cable damage in Estonia´s exclusive economic zone; - Nato allies and EU partners kept in the loop
Jens Stoltenberg: Spoke with President Sauli @niinisto on damage to undersea infrastructure between Estonia & Finland. NATO is sharing information & stands ready to support Allies concerned
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Finnish president: "It's likely that both the pipeline and data cable damages are results of outside activity. Cause not yet established, joint Finnish-Estonian investigation ongoing."
Finnish national broadcaster YLE referring to it's sources: seems balticconnector leak was not an accident. Navy Mine countermeasures vessel MHC Purunpää and Border Guard offshore patrol vessel Turva on site. Finnish gov to hold presser today1 рок таму
Finnish national broadcaster YLE referring to it's sources: seems #balticconnector leak was not an accident. Navy Mine countermeasures vessel MHC Purunpää and Border Guard offshore patrol vessel Turva on site. Finnish gov to hold presser today
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Finland gas pipeline leak probe proceeding on premise of potential sabotage, according to people familiar with the matter - Bloomberg
Reuters: Finland’s Gasgrid & Estonia’s Elering state survey work will begin soon after sudden drop in pressure of Balticconnector natural gas pipeline spanning Gulf of Finland yesterday, suggesting a leak.  Elering affirms that no cause “including sabotage” can be ruled out for the time being1 рок таму
Reuters: Finland’s Gasgrid & Estonia’s Elering state survey work will begin soon after sudden drop in pressure of Balticconnector natural gas pipeline spanning Gulf of Finland yesterday, suggesting a leak. Elering affirms that no cause “including sabotage” can be ruled out for the time being
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Мінабароны Швецыі: наша ўмова для адпраўкі знішчальнікаў ва Украіну — спачатку атрымаць членства ў NATO
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Латвія закрывае адзін з двух пунктаў пропуску на мяжы з Беларуссю. Памежны пераход Сілене
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З 10 раніцы 13 верасня Эстонія забараняе ўезд у краіну транспартных сродкаў з нумарамі РФ. Інфармацыю афіцыйна пацвердзіла МЗС Эстоніі
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Кіраўнік знешняй разведкі РФ Нарышкін: пагроза Расеі з боку Польшчы і краін Балтыі
ФСБ выслала з Калініградскай вобласці грамадзяніна Украіны, абвінаваціўшы яго ў шпіянажы на карысць Польшчы
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Амбасада Расеі ў Хэльсынкі абвінавачвае ўлады Фінляндыі ў затрыманьні расейскага грамадзяніна па запыце Ўкраіны
Прэзыдэнт Літвы Гітанас Наўседа заявіў, што набытыя Літвой пускавыя ўстаноўкі СПА NASAMS прыбудуць ва Ўкраіну ў верасьні1 рок таму
Прэзыдэнт Літвы Гітанас Наўседа заявіў, што набытыя Літвой пускавыя ўстаноўкі СПА NASAMS прыбудуць ва Ўкраіну ў верасьні